Join the thriving network of current and former Osnabrück Cognitive Science students, faculty, and staff
Our Mission
The Cognitive Science study programs at Osnabrück University have attracted thousands of people with diverse aims, interests, and backgrounds for over 20 years. We want to keep up and extend the unique Osnabrück CogSci spirit and connect the past, the present, and the future.
- We provide a communication and networking platform for alumni and current students, faculty, and staff.
- We facilitate and support alumni and student events.
- We support students in their early academic careers by granting subsidies for visiting conferences and other academic events.
- We support student groups and initiatives and innovative ideas in the field of Cognitive Science.
Our History
The CogSci Network e.V. was established as “Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Instituts für Semantische Informationsverarbeitung “in 1996 and renamed to “Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Instituts für Kognitionswissenschaft “in 2002 (“Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Institute of Cognitive Science “). Since then, the number of active students has grown from 50 to 1,000, the number of faculty from 5 to more than 100, and the number of alumni from only a handful to several thousand. Originally founded to support the young and growing institute, the association became increasingly focussed on helping students.
To reflect these changes and to focus more on being an active network for current students and alumni, the association was renewed in 2022. After intensive discussions, more than 100 people became new members of the association and established our new mission and new statutes .